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I belong to the Methods for System Engineering Department of the Ampère laboratory (CNRS UMR 5005).


Research themes

- Robustness and Robust control
- Application of convex optimization to system analysis and observer/controller design
- Robust control extension to nonlinear system

Current researches activities

- Observation and filtering for uncertain systems
- LPV analysis and control for nonlinear systems
- Network system control
- flexible system control
- Robust design of systems


Gérard Scorletti received the engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA), Paris and obtained his PhD in Automatic Control from Orsay University, France in June 1997. He was a research associate at Centre for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Belgium (1997-98). From 1998 to 2007, he was an assistant professor of Electrical Engineering at Caen University (France) and he held a permanent joint appointment with the GREYC. Currently, he is a professor of Automatic control and Signal Processing at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France) with a permanent joint appointment with the Ampère laboratory.

Teaching activities

His teaching activities mainly focus on the Signal processing and Automatic control in the engineering cursus of Ecole Centrale de Lyon and on their interaction with the other engineering sciences such as Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering.

View online : CV HAL / Publications