Benjamin Vincent defends his thesis at Grenoble INP on the 4th December at 10 am.
Title of the thesis :
Identification of multipolar equivalent electromagnetic sources by spatial filtering : Application to the radiated Electromagnetic Compatibility for power electronic converters
Jury :
- Jean-Luc Schanen, Advisor
- Olivier Chadebec, Co-Advisor
- Lionel Pichon, Reviewer
- Nadir Idir, Reviewer
- M. Jean-Charles Bolomey, Committee Member
- François Costa, Committee Member
- Ronan Perrussel, Committee Member
Key words :
power electronics drivers, coils electromagnetic sensors, near field measurements, multipolar expansion, electromagnetic source characterization, E.M.C., real spherical harmonics.
Abstract :
For ElectroMagnetic Compatibility studies, it is useful to get a compact model of the stray magnetic field generated by power electronic systems. This model can be obtained sometimes by numerical modelling, however in most cases, the systems and associated phenomena are too complex to ensure a reliable computation. Instead, measurement of the magnetic stray field close to the device can be used to identify this equivalent magnetic model and then to extrapolate the field in all directions in the surrounding space. The followed method is the inverse problem, i.e. to determine the causes (here the sources of the field) according to the effects (here the measured fields). The chosen model is the magnetic multipolar expansion. The measurement of the magnetic field permits identification of the parameters of the magnetic equivalent multipole. It is compact and adapted well to the characteristics of the studied sources. New sensors of magnetic induction in near field are proposed according to the principle of the Standard CISPR16-1 coils. The new coil shape allows the sensors to be sensitive to only some specific components of the multipolar expansion, which is similar to a spatial filtering. In this paper, after the description of the tools used, the synthesis method of these new contours is described. An experimental validation is also developed, demonstrating the improvement of the filtering capacity of the multipolar components of the magnetic field towards the existing solutions.